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The Postgraduate Program in Food Science (PGALi) has maintained as a general objective to develop priority actions to contribute to regional and national development, and to train human resources from various Universities, Research Centers and others, seeking to train professionals qualified to promote advancement and innovation of scientific and technological knowledge in the area of Food Science.

For this, we seek:

Integrate Postgraduation and Graduation programs through the performance of students of the postgraduation program in didactic training activities, scientific and/or technological internships, courses, among others;

To guide the development of projects compatible with the local, regional, national and international reality, in a globalized system;

Aim to contribute to all levels of teaching and research, aiming at research as a basis for the development of the area of Food Science and related areas;

Enable the development of scientific and/or technological research that results in innovative products and processes, associated with mechanisms for the protection of intellectual property, entrepreneurship and technology transfer;

Ensure the training and improvement of high-level professors, researchers and professionals, committed to the advancement of knowledge and innovation, to meet the needs of both local, regional and national interests;

Enter into partnerships with different sectors of society, creating opportunities for competent and diversified training of human resources and social development.



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