
The Federal University of Bahia - The first in Brazil, historically, its beginning is dated on February 18, 1808. At that time, Prince Regent Dom João VI instituted the School of Surgery of Bahia, thus constituting the landmark of the first university course in the country. The Pharmacy course was incorporated in the year 1832. But only on April 8, 1946 (74 years after creation) it was formally titled as Universidade da Bahia by Decree-Law 9155, initially constituted by five Faculties, among them, the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, where the schools of Pharmacy and Dentistry were attached.
Since that time, Teaching of Bromatology or “Food Science” was already present. Historically, the chair was occupied by distinguished names: Profª. Drª. Florentina Santos Diez del Corral, Profª. Drª. Eleonor Maria de Almeida Mota and Profª. Drª. Maria da Pureza Spínola Miranda.
The first seed for the creation of postgraduate courses linked to the Faculty of Pharmacy at UFBA, was sown in 2003, with the creation of the specialization (Lato Sensu) in Food Safety and Inspection. The proposal was developed by the research group in Food Science and Technology of the Bromatological Analysis Departmentof the Faculty of Pharmacy.
In 2005, the Postgraduate Program in Food Science (PGALi) was the first stricto sensu program created by the Faculty of Pharmacy at UFBA. The proposal was approved by the UFBA Postgraduate Education and Research Chamber in 2005, and by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) in 2006. Thus, the first class to enter the course at the Master's level was in August 2006.
In the firsts CAPES evaluations (Triennios 2007/2009 and 2010/2012), the Academic Master's Degree was recommended by CAPES with Grade 3. However, at the 172nd meeting of the expanded CTC-ES aimed at evaluating the programs during the 2013/2016 quadrennium, it approved the deliberations and recommendations prepared by the Area Commission, ratifying Grade 4 to PGALi.
The Program was reformulated in 2016 in order to include new lines of research and better serve the evolution of the Food Science area (CAPES Ordinance of 06/08/2016). This change, in fact, made it possible to improve the program and upgrade attributes evaluated by the area coordination. Thus, in 2017, the PGAli collegiate submitted the creation of the Doctorate to the Evaluation of Proposals for New Courses (APCN proposal 549/2017) of CAPES. At the end of 2018, CTC-ES followed the opinion of the Area Commission that recommended the opening of the Doctoral Course in Food Science. In 2019.2 there was the first selection of students enrolled in 2020.1.
Currently, the Postgraduate Program in Food Science offers the opportunity to enter Stricto Sensu courses at the Master and Doctorate level, and has been establishing itself quickly due to the strengthening of scientific bases, highly qualified faculty and available infrastructure. These aspects result in greater efficiency in raising financial resources, forming collaborative networks and promoting the internationalization of the program.
To society, the Postgraduate Program in Food Science has provided solid training of human resources in the area of Food Science.

